Burn Hall School Srinagar Contact Numbers
Burn Hall School is one of the oldest schools in the Kashmir valley opened by some christian missionaries in the past. The school was actually started in 1942 but later on it was closed for some time before opened in 1956. The school has a tough competition with Tyndale Biscoe School. Burn Hall School Srinagar is considered as one of the top schools in the valley in delivering education. The discipline of the students of Burn Hall School Srinagar always remain satisfactory. Burn Hall School Srinagar is upto 12th Standard and is located in the Sonawar area of Srinagar City.Some Quick Facts About Burn Hall School Srinagar
Established: 1956 (1942 but closed for some time)Founder: Fr. J. Boerkamp
Affiliation: Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education
Standard: LKG to 12th
Address of Burn Hall School
Burn Hall School can also be visited on their physical address written below:Gupkar Rd, Sonwar,
Jammu and Kashmir 190001
Phone Numbers of Burn Hall School
The schools officials can be contacted on the following contact number:0194-2500695,
Email Address of Burn Hall School
The officials can also be written through Email Medium, the Email Address of Burn Hall School is written below:principal@burnhallschool.org
Fax Number of Burn Hall School
Besides these mediums Burn Hall School has also a fax number, from which the customers can also get help. The main purpose of this fax number is made available by Burn Hall School is that the customers can write their queries anytime anywhere. The fax number of Burn Hall School is written below:
2500466Facilities Available at Burn Hall School
The school has got a number of facilities for the students. Some of the facilities are written below:1. Transport
2. School Clinic
3. Library
4. Labratory
5. Canteen
6. Other Facilities
Website of Burn Hall School
The official website of Burn Hall School is written below:http://www.burnhallschool.org/
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