
Davis Senior High School Phone Numbers

DSHS Phone Numbers

Davis Senior High School is also shortly baptized as DSHS. Davis Senior High School is a USA based Senior Secondry school which delivers educational services in the Davis, California of USA. Davis Senior High School or DSHS offers educational services in different fields such as science, agriculture, health and in other fields. Davis Senior High School is featured with student facilities such as Library, Labratory, etc. Davis Senior High School has also been a cross country champion and participates in different games and functions. As per the survey in 2014, Davis Senior High School had a presence of more than 1700 students.

Quick Info about Davis Senior High School

Opening Date: 1961 Standards: 10th to 12th Total Students: More than 1700 (as per 2014) Location: Davis, California Country: USA

Address of Davis Senior High School

If you want to visit the office and center location of Davis Senior High School, you can go through the following address:

315 W. 14th Street, Davis,
California, United States, 95616

Email Address of Davis Senior High School

You can also write the high school authorities on the following email address:

Phone Number of Davis Senior High School

For any type of help or query, you can use the following contact number to talk with the officials of Davis Senior High School:
+1 530-757-5400

Fax Number of Davis Senior High School

Besides these mediums Davis Senior High School has also a fax number, from which the customers can also get help. The main purpose of this fax number is made available by Davis Senior High School is that the customers can write their queries anytime anywhere. The fax number of Davis Senior High School is written below:

Website of Davis Senior High School

The official website of Davis Senior High School is written below:

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