Jk Public School Srinagar Phone Numbers

Jk public school is one of the most renowned educational institution located at Humhama in Srinagar city. This Educational institution was initially Bed rocked in the year 2000 and since then the school has emerged out as world's most renowned Educational institution due to its quality education. The school has always put its efforts to provide quality education rather than focusing on quantity. Moreover, the school targets to attain all round Harmonious developments in students which includes physical, mental, social , moral and spiritual developments. The school intend to give every kid the most ideal begin and give them the certainty to put stock in themselves. Moreover, the school advances a feeling of moral obligation taking into account the estimations of truth, equity and compassion. JK Public School invites offspring of all beliefs and tries to guarantee that the social and religious contrasts inside of our school group are perceived and regarded.

Jk public school has accomplished what is typically picked up in over 10 years. Yet this can't be termed as a genuine accomplishment for the improvement around the globe is fast to the point that on occasion, it turns out to be exceptionally hard to stay side by side of whatever remains of the world. The school has been foundation with a spirit object of serving the general public and spreading training in its genuine sense. Far from the hurrying around of the city, this school gladly unveils the way that it is the first school in the state that has enhanced the life of students and has provided civilized citizens who possess great spiritual, moral and other personality traits.

Quick Info about Jk public school Humhama

Opening Date: 2000
Standards: Nursery to 10th
Medium of Instruction: English
Location: Humhama, Badgam
State: Jammu and Kashmir
Founder: Muhammad Yousuf Kuchay
Affiliation: J&K State Board of School Education.
Branches: Boys Wing and Girls Wing

Address of Jk public school Srinagar

If you want to visit the office or campus location of Jk public school Srinagar, you can go through the following address:

Humhama, International Air Port Road,
Jammu & Kashmir,
Postal Code: 190021, India

Email Address of Jk public school Srinagar

You can also write the high school authorities on the following email address:

Phone Number of Jk public school Srinagar

You can contact the school authorities anytime, the medium to contact the Jk public school Srinagar is written below:

Fax Number of Jk public school Srinagar

Besides these mediums Jk public school Srinagar has also a fax number, from which the customers can also get help. The main purpose of this fax number, made available by Jk public school Srinagar is that interested aspirants and parents can write their queries anytime anywhere. The fax number of Jk public school Srinagar is written below:

Facilities at Jk public school Srinagar

  • Transport Facilities via different routes
  • Library
  • Playing Area to take pleasure of different games
  • Drinking water
  • Computer Lab to perform different computer activities
  • Labratory
  • Other Student facilities

Website of Jk public school Srinagar

Jk public school Srinagar has its official website through which the students and other persons can check the latest hapenings and future events. The official website of Jk public school Srinagar is mentioned below:

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