Hamdard Grammar School Tral Phone Numbers
Hamdard Grammar School is one of the educational institution located in the South Kashmir’s Tral area of Pulwama District. The School Incorporated its educational services in the year 2006 and from then the school is in service imparting education to both boys and girls. Hamdard Grammar School is featured with both female and male teachers having Graduate and above graduate degrees. Various school functions and other student programs are also functioned by the authorities of the school. Various student facilities including bus service, computer lab, playing area have also been provided by the school officials. It is a privately owned school with English and Urdu as medium of instruction.Address of Hamdard Grammar School
The physical address of Hamdard Grammar School is:Ward 5, Tral-i-payeen, Tral
Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir (IN) - 192123
Phone Number of Hamdard Grammar School
For any type of help or queries related to Hamdard Grammar School, Contact on the following phone number of Hamdard Grammar School:9419013262
Email of Hamdard Grammar School
If you want to write the officials of Hamdard Grammar School, use the following email address of Hamdard Grammar School:hamdard06@gmail.com
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