Address | Phase-III, Chakan Industrial Area, Kuruli & Nighoje, Tal: Khed. Pune |
Phone | 02135-673000, 395000 | | |
Website | |
Contact Details of Mercedes-Benz India
Some of the contact numbers through which you will get help from the team members of Mercedes-Benz India are written below.Phone Number of Mercedes-Benz India: 02135-673000, 395000
Fax Number of Mercedes-Benz India: 02135-673953
Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance
For Road side assistance you can call any time, as the customer care department of Road Side Assistance are available 24 x 7 Days a Week. Call on the following toll free number to get full assistance.
Customer Care Helpline Number of Mercedes-Benz India
1800-102-9222 (Toll Free)
Email Address of Mercedes-Benz:
Full Address of Mercedes-Benz India:
Mercedes-Benz India Private Limited. ,
E-3, MIDC, Chakan. Phase-III,
Chakan Industrial Area,
Kuruli & Nighoje,
Tal: Khed. Pune- 410501. India.
About Mercedes-Benz India
Mercedes-Benz is one of the automobile product of a Notable Automotive industry named Mercedes-Benz India. Mercedes-Benz India is one of the business Subsidiary unit of Daimler AG. Daimler a German Automotive industry which offers different types of Automotive Products such as buses, coaches, etc. made his first appearance in the Indian market in 1994. Being a German company, the business units of Mercedes-Benz are spread all over the world.If you have any kind of Complaint, Suggestion, Question regarding Mercedes-Benz India, use the following contact numbers of Mercedes-Benz India to get help from the concerned department.
We are here to Provide you some useful contacts such as Email Address, physical Address, Toll Free Numbers, Official Physical Addresses of Mercedes-Benz India.
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