About The Company: Transportation Department of united Arab Emirates.
Here we have listed contact numbers of Abu Dhabi RTA, Email Address of Abu Dhabi RTA, Toll free Number of Abu Dhabi RTA if Available, Office Address of Abu Dhabi RTA, Social media Pages of Abu Dhabi RTA, Website of Abu Dhabi RTA, etc. These numbers of Abu Dhabi RTA may of may not be Toll free.
Contact Timing:
This is the contact timing of Abu Dhabi RTA.
Sunday to Thursday - 7:30AM to 3:30PM
Al Maqtaa Area, street number 15,
next to Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Hotel
Abu Dhabi RTA Website: www.dot.abudhabi.ae
Abu Dhabi RTA Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/AbuDhabiDoT
Abu Dhabi RTA Twitter Page:twitter.com/abudhabidot
For any complaint post your message through the below comment box and we will post it for you so that your issue will get highlighted.
Abu Dhabi RTA Customer Assistance Number: 800-88888
This is the main assistance number of Abu Dhabi RTA and you can dial this for any kind off assistance.Abu Dhabi RTA Customer Support Email: customer.care@dot.abudhabi.ae
Here we have listed contact numbers of Abu Dhabi RTA, Email Address of Abu Dhabi RTA, Toll free Number of Abu Dhabi RTA if Available, Office Address of Abu Dhabi RTA, Social media Pages of Abu Dhabi RTA, Website of Abu Dhabi RTA, etc. These numbers of Abu Dhabi RTA may of may not be Toll free.
Contact Timing:
This is the contact timing of Abu Dhabi RTA.
Sunday to Thursday - 7:30AM to 3:30PM
Office Address of Abu Dhabi RTA
Below written address is the main corporate office address of Abu Dhabi RTA.Al Maqtaa Area, street number 15,
next to Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Hotel
Abu Dhabi RTA Website: www.dot.abudhabi.ae
Abu Dhabi RTA Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/AbuDhabiDoT
Abu Dhabi RTA Twitter Page:twitter.com/abudhabidot
For any complaint post your message through the below comment box and we will post it for you so that your issue will get highlighted.
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