Iahcsmm Customer Service Number, Head Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email Id

About Iahcsmm: International Association Of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management.

In this topic you will find different contact details associated with iahcsmm. We have gathered this information from various platforms and made available for you so that you may get easiness in contacting iahcsmm. These contact details comprises of Contact numbers of iahcsmm. Phone Numbers of iahcsmm, Custmer Support Numbers of iahcsmm, Head office Address of iahcsmm, Email Address of iahcsmm, Customer service hours of iahcsmm, Etc. With the help of these contact details, you can contact the concerned representatives of iahcsmm and work out your issues.

iahcsmm Contact Phone Number: 800.962.8274

This is the main and official phone number of iahcsmm and it is available for the assistance of the customers. This contact number of iahcsmm may or may not be a toll free number.

iahcsmm Contact Phone Number: 312.440.0078

For returning the products, the company has provided two numbers so that customers may get a good assistance. The two numbers are written below:

iahcsmm Customer Support Email: mailbox@iahcsmm.org

The above email address is the main email address of the iahcsmm and you can write all your questions and queries through this email.

iahcsmm Customer Service Timing:
Customers are advised to contact the office of the iahcsmm keeping in mind the below contact hours of iahcsmm.
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Head Office Address of iahcsmm

The company has offices in different locations, but Below written address is the main corporate office address of iahcsmm.
55 West Wacker Drive, Suite 501
Chicago, IL 60601

iahcsmm Website: www.iahcsmm.org

iahcsmm Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/IAHCSMM

iahcsmm Twitter Page:twitter.com/IAHCSMM

iahcsmm Instagram Page:na/

For any complaint post your message through the below comment box and we will post it for you so that your issue will get highlighted.

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  1. Hello, I was at a conference last week and it was mentioned that IAHCSMM has a loaned set form detailing set drop off times (24-48 hours before scheduled case) I feel that would be helpful for us to have for the reps who continually drop off instruments the night before the case
    Thank you- Rhonda Nickoli


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